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Buff Pass 40.50986184725354, -106.73307829320896 Cat Skiing!
Kurodake 43.6975689487028, 142.9209688157614 Japanese Powder at it's best!
Sunshine Ski Village 51.07908519800589, -115.78224804638711 The Best Snow in Canada!
Matt - Fernie Volunteer Ski Patrol 49.4610972229298,-115.08541608769951 Shredding the best pow
Lake Louise 51.44477863294659, -116.1484821415948
50.5579446365471, -120.42946301090461 Goose Lake road trails . Hull hill
50.515840852793374, -120.52178090799895 Lodgepole Lake
St. Peter-Ording 54.326371885929795, 8.585808695283426 In St. Peter Ording at the 12km long beach. One of the biggest beaches in Europe. Here we love to walk for hours and married the leafs to the poles. With love Marina and Peer
Glatschalm 46.62732907851217,11.765896713897632 Our entry point for a part of the "Adolf Munkel trail" in front of the "Geislerspitzen" on the Zanser Alm in the Villnöss valley in Summer 2020. Best regards your niece Marina and her husband Peer.
Silver Creek 50.63088272741518, -119.37358845196671 Left lotsa leaf's at the base of our waterfall on Mt. Ida!
Engelberg 46.81955839394635, 8.407334164330678 European Ski Adventure
St. Anton am Arlberg 47.128998522569795, 10.270452621474533 European Ski Adventure
Mayrhofen 47.18248524822204, 11.868332355753978 European Ski Adventure
Dave Henry Dodge 52.869249928567314,-118.95442485809326 Back Country ski trip at Dave Henry Lodge Ski Trip
50.693847915895624, -119.25384521484375
Dhalaugiri Trek 28.708857107351918,83.43869220231073 Mount Dhaulagiri Circuit trek
SantiagoSPAIN-TravelersCathedralMarket 42.88076941118287, -8.54311466217041 Journey beyond trail
LeavesAtCoffeeBreakSecretNoBlisters-DryFeet 42.94124669926448, -1.4708268642425537 Chilling,Secret to no blisters = Dry feet.
LeavesTopStretch, France to Spain 43.01040659203608, -1.3185659050941467 Albergue Roncensvalles serves Pilgram meal to 400! PASSPORTs Pls.
2016b RouteNapoleonCruceiroHut-FRANCE 43.056164497726876, -1.266324520111084 Leaves on r/Napoleon by Shepherds Hut
R/Citadelle, St Jean Pied de Port, FRANCE 43.163166627965396,-1.2342573702335357 camino of Pellegrino-leaves
Chemainus Beach 48.92791313673256, -123.73111724853516 Walked along the beach leaving leafs
20 Mile Bay 49.53412174576703, -121.8771743774414495 Camped Canada Day weekend 2017. Great way to celebrate Canada 150!
West Coast Trail South 48.671919512374565, -124.84983444213867 Every camp site we stayed at going south we left a leaf.
49.1052584434536, -121.82062268257141
49.03595482464571, -122.06934928894043
49.53412174576703, -121.8771743774414
49.184704875971164, -122.15975046157837
49.48240137826932, -121.82601928710938
48.92791313673256, -123.73111724853516
48.671919512374565, -124.84983444213867
48.81115940759498, -124.66547012329102
Leave a leaf on Logan! 60.566728229556645,-140.40115356445312 How better to celebrate Canada's 150th than on the top ?! Thanks Kelley
Engadine Lodge 50.835540719563056, -115.34224033355713 Got my leaf baskets for Christmas and opened them at Engadine Lodge, a backcountry lodge with front country access, in the Kananaskis.
Mt. Murray Viewpoint from Sawmill Trail 50.78618696895818, -115.26898384094238 Perhaps this is even Mt. Murray we are looking at. Fresh snow and perhaps one of our best snowshoe days ever in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park.
Rawson Lake 50.59495239040504, -115.14757633209229 Maybe should have used the snowshoes instead of the microspikes.
Penstock Loop 50.692108022899525, -115.13319969177246 Penstock Loop Snowshoe Trail. Good season opener.
Mount Shark 50.8475458575137, -115.38925409317017 Looking at Mount Shark from the Marushka Lake Trail in Spray Valley Provincial Park, Alberta
Purcell Mountain Lodge 51.258047604871585, -117.31801986694336 Maple leafs left all over Bald mountain
Campbell Icefield Top of the Dome 51.685221716897665,-116.9804048538208
Campbell Icefiel Chalet 51.698974,-117.002004
Singhampton Ontario n0c1m0
HBC Trailhead kiosk 49.539945916311346, -120.79943060874939 left maple leafs in the sand crossing the Tulameen River
Martin's Lake 49.48934333196599, -120.4839277267456 snowsoeing around our fav lake by the house
Butterfly Lane 49.14039340493346, -120.62301635742188 Eastgate Community trail
Cambie Creek Loop 49.11597570014775, -120.83425641059875 New bridge over Cambie Creek
Mount Seymour 49.366464053240165, -122.9477519961074 Made Maple leafs all over the mountain
Big White Ski Resort 49.724775124519724, -118.93303298915271 Made some Maple leafs in the Powder here , so many comments on my baskets
Baldy Mountain 49.164046085531545, -119.27522277692333 Made some Maple leafs in the powder here
MacIsland Park North Kamloops 50.65294336725709, -120.4266357421875 I love leaving my leaf on the Northshore
Tobiano Living at Kamloops Lake 50.71733015526964, -120.63125610351562 Tobiano at Kamloops Lake
Port Renfrew 48.552978164400734, -124.41741943359375 Through the village and along beach on Port San Juan
Nitnat Lake campground and village 48.81251594581751, -124.66890335083008
Gibson Pass Ski Area 49.069929894543904, -120.9169864654541 Manning Park Telmark Festival
Lindeman Lake 49.11500660701084, -121.45952224731445
Greendrop Lake 49.1380911562058, -121.4367127418518
Pretty Peak 49.250943680693055, -121.96751117706299
Cheam Peak 49.187313498266235, -121.68027877807617
Dewdney Grind 49.165542715508344, -122.19165802001953
West Coast Trail 48.718149160264794, -125.06423950195312 All along the north section of the trail.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Cathedral Ave, Winnipeg Manitoba Tomb of Louis Riel
Mt.Davis 49.343602298744116, -121.08657851815223 LeaveALeaf_#1rst with Two-Hobbits & a Pod.
Robson Pass 53.158711667342324, -119.12106513977051
Laugavagur Trail, Iceland 64.06259063688063, -20.7147216796875
Lime Ridge, Marble Range 51.12523628159424,-121.84957981109619 Looking for plants on Lime Ridge with Botany BC
Fundy Nat Park 45.62674892376959, -65.05944460630417 Leavealeafs on the trails of Fundy Pk
Mount Stewart PEI 46.36650188859303, -62.87047237157822 Left a leaf on the Confederation Trail and at the Trailside Cafe for a JP Cormier concert.
Maple leaves left in India by Canadian Pro skier Josh Bibby Gulmarg, India Josh Bibby leaving his leaf in India
Confederation Bridge 46.16339585324872, -63.8143926858902 Looking towards PEI
Leaves in the air... 49.358395944730226, -119.90924835205078 Downhill skiing at Apex Mountain
Monument 90 Canada/US border line 49.00049250972169, -120.40639042854309 Skking along the border on the Border Lake Trail
Osprey Lake, BC 49.71511217828983, -120.20217132987454 We left a leaf at Osprey, Link, Chain, Westmere and Eastmere Lake. Thank you for recycling and thanks to the Wong family for introducing us to "Leave a Leaf". Go Canada Go!
Leave a Leaf Ottawa, Ontario 45.419081972043415, -75.70623775944114 We left a leaf at Winterlude Ottawa Ontario. Be Canadian Eat a Beavertail!
London, Ontario 42.97853017097541, -81.24993899837136 Left a leaf at Meadowlily Bridge in memorial of Gene Tellier Feb. 6, 2016
Calgary, Alberta 51.0282673558455, -114.049072265625 Fish Creek Park, Calgary Alberta Feb. 2016
Yuma, Arizona 35.3805931,-106.47919250000001 Left a leafs in the desert, telegraph hill,and beyond.Getting out to nature is the best.
Salmon Beach 48.96385410905723, -125.42250365571817 Salmon Beach
Sackville NB 45.95143314518617, -64.37904864549637 Leaving a leaf in Atlantic Canada
Leaving my leaf in the cold of Bethune Sk 50.70167663576478, -105.1995849609375 hang in out and working in camp but making sure I leave my leaf for my sister in law and family so they know me thinking of them all Two Words.. Right ON!
Leaving "MY" leaf in BAYTREE Alberta 55.822887575908766, -119.90478515625 Hiking around the crisp white snow on a sunny day in our back country.
Pasayten Fire Ski 49.03083405139236, -120.51220893859863 Love touring around the old burns looking at the new forest coming up and the views of Border & Sheep Mountain along the Canadian/US border
Trekking Tulameen 2446 Coalmont Road, Tulameen BC Left my stamp of Canadian Pride along the pristine Tulameen River and Otter Lake in Tulameen, BC
Top of the World Tod Mountain 50.89870240470782, -119.84298706054688 SunPeaks Top of the world
Coquihalla Toll Booth 49.63433587687992,-121.03606066724751 Skiing from the old toll booths
Awesome day at the Kimberley Alpine Resort 49.68497342878801, -116.02189064025879 Enjoyed a great "Free" ski day for locals at the Kimberley Alpine Resort, Kimberley, BC. Left a leaf all over the place!!!!!!!!
Leaving a leaf on Lind Burn 49.52487405771568, -120.63589096069336 cross country skiing and falling(6 times) safety first Karen skiis off at times..so much fun.. alot of laughs
Harmon Lake 49.96436210797181, -120.70446968078613 Snow shoeing
Trophy Meadows Trail Head 51.757892239803155, -119.94246997812297
Trophy Meadows 51.77584220700114, -119.92918424904928 Back country tour in the sun
Glacier powder afternoon on Blackcomb after 28cm of new snow 50.09770431764537, -122.88400590419769 Just plain old good stuff out there.
Fresh track morning with 28cm new snow on Whistler. 50.07022450118469, -122.9465389251709 Epic morning clearing after 28cm of new snow.
Crystal Bowel at Sun Peakis 50.88671947733306, -119.89036560058594 Had fun leaving leaf imprints all over Sun Peaks downhill runs
Kenora Road 50.673835249921346, -120.21240234375 North Kamloops, BC
Life is now 2 50.673835249921346, -120.3826904296875 MacIsland Park
Life is now north kamloops bc Let it snow
Ridge Bypass China Ridge Trails 49.51184981669895, -120.6246417760849 Cross Country skiing and leaving my leaf.
Sun Peaks 50.88143082437058,-119.86377954483032 Macgillivray Lake X-Country trail
Batchelor Hills 50.683842649833174, -120.35179138183594 Tower Classic Trail
China Ridge Trails 49.48602581424096, -120.57838439941406 Winter wonderland full of cross country and snowshoe trails.

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