| Buff Pass | 40.50986184725354, -106.73307829320896 | Cat Skiing! |
 | Kurodake | 43.6975689487028, 142.9209688157614 | Japanese Powder at it's best! |
 | Sunshine Ski Village | 51.07908519800589, -115.78224804638711 | The Best Snow in Canada! |
 | Matt - Fernie Volunteer Ski Patrol | 49.4610972229298,-115.08541608769951 | Shredding the best pow |
 | Lake Louise | 51.44477863294659, -116.1484821415948 | |
 | | 50.5579446365471, -120.42946301090461 | Goose Lake road trails . Hull hill |
 | | 50.515840852793374, -120.52178090799895 | Lodgepole Lake |
 | St. Peter-Ording | 54.326371885929795, 8.585808695283426 | In St. Peter Ording at the 12km long beach. One of the biggest beaches in Europe. Here we love to walk for hours and married the leafs to the poles.
With love Marina and Peer |
 | Glatschalm | 46.62732907851217,11.765896713897632 | Our entry point for a part of the "Adolf Munkel trail"
in front of the "Geislerspitzen" on the Zanser Alm in the Villnöss valley in Summer 2020.
Best regards your niece Marina and her husband Peer. |
 | Silver Creek | 50.63088272741518, -119.37358845196671 | Left lotsa leaf's at the base of our waterfall on Mt. Ida! |
 | Engelberg | 46.81955839394635, 8.407334164330678 | European Ski Adventure |
 | St. Anton am Arlberg | 47.128998522569795, 10.270452621474533 | European Ski Adventure |
 | Mayrhofen | 47.18248524822204, 11.868332355753978 | European Ski Adventure |
 | Dave Henry Dodge | 52.869249928567314,-118.95442485809326 | Back Country ski trip at Dave Henry Lodge Ski Trip |
 | | 50.693847915895624, -119.25384521484375 | |
 | Dhalaugiri Trek | 28.708857107351918,83.43869220231073 | Mount Dhaulagiri Circuit trek |
 | SantiagoSPAIN-TravelersCathedralMarket | 42.88076941118287, -8.54311466217041 | Journey beyond trail |
 | LeavesAtCoffeeBreakSecretNoBlisters-DryFeet | 42.94124669926448, -1.4708268642425537 | Chilling,Secret to no blisters = Dry feet. |
 | LeavesTopStretch, France to Spain | 43.01040659203608, -1.3185659050941467 | Albergue Roncensvalles serves Pilgram meal to 400! PASSPORTs Pls. |
 | 2016b RouteNapoleonCruceiroHut-FRANCE | 43.056164497726876, -1.266324520111084 | Leaves on r/Napoleon by Shepherds Hut |
 | R/Citadelle, St Jean Pied de Port, FRANCE | 43.163166627965396,-1.2342573702335357 | camino of Pellegrino-leaves |
 | Chemainus Beach | 48.92791313673256, -123.73111724853516 | Walked along the beach leaving leafs |
 | 20 Mile Bay | 49.53412174576703, -121.8771743774414495 | Camped Canada Day weekend 2017. Great way to celebrate Canada 150! |
 | West Coast Trail South | 48.671919512374565, -124.84983444213867 | Every camp site we stayed at going south we left a leaf. |
 | | 49.1052584434536, -121.82062268257141 | |
 | | 49.03595482464571, -122.06934928894043 | |
 | | 49.53412174576703, -121.8771743774414 | |
 | | 49.184704875971164, -122.15975046157837 | |
 | | 49.48240137826932, -121.82601928710938 | |
 | | 48.92791313673256, -123.73111724853516 | |
 | | 48.671919512374565, -124.84983444213867 | |
 | | 48.81115940759498, -124.66547012329102 | |
 | Leave a leaf on Logan! | 60.566728229556645,-140.40115356445312 | How better to celebrate Canada's 150th than on the top ?!
Thanks Kelley |
 | Engadine Lodge | 50.835540719563056, -115.34224033355713 | Got my leaf baskets for Christmas and opened them at Engadine Lodge, a backcountry lodge with front country access, in the Kananaskis. |
 | Mt. Murray Viewpoint from Sawmill Trail | 50.78618696895818, -115.26898384094238 | Perhaps this is even Mt. Murray we are looking at. Fresh snow and perhaps one of our best snowshoe days ever in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park. |
 | Rawson Lake | 50.59495239040504, -115.14757633209229 | Maybe should have used the snowshoes instead of the microspikes. |
 | Penstock Loop | 50.692108022899525, -115.13319969177246 | Penstock Loop Snowshoe Trail. Good season opener. |
 | Mount Shark | 50.8475458575137, -115.38925409317017 | Looking at Mount Shark from the Marushka Lake Trail in Spray Valley Provincial Park, Alberta |
 | Purcell Mountain Lodge | 51.258047604871585, -117.31801986694336 | Maple leafs left all over Bald mountain |
 | Campbell Icefield Top of the Dome | 51.685221716897665,-116.9804048538208 | |
 | Campbell Icefiel Chalet | 51.698974,-117.002004 | |
 | | Singhampton Ontario n0c1m0 | |
 | HBC Trailhead kiosk | 49.539945916311346, -120.79943060874939 | left maple leafs in the sand crossing the Tulameen River |
 | Martin's Lake | 49.48934333196599, -120.4839277267456 | snowsoeing around our fav lake by the house |
 | Butterfly Lane | 49.14039340493346, -120.62301635742188 | Eastgate Community trail |
 | Cambie Creek Loop | 49.11597570014775, -120.83425641059875 | New bridge over Cambie Creek |
 | Mount Seymour | 49.366464053240165, -122.9477519961074 | Made Maple leafs all over the mountain |
 | Big White Ski Resort | 49.724775124519724, -118.93303298915271 | Made some Maple leafs in the Powder here , so many comments on my baskets |
 | Baldy Mountain | 49.164046085531545, -119.27522277692333 | Made some Maple leafs in the powder here |
 | MacIsland Park North Kamloops | 50.65294336725709, -120.4266357421875 | I love leaving my leaf on the Northshore |
 | Tobiano Living at Kamloops Lake | 50.71733015526964, -120.63125610351562 | Tobiano at Kamloops Lake |
 | Port Renfrew | 48.552978164400734, -124.41741943359375 | Through the village and along beach on Port San Juan |
 | Nitnat Lake campground and village | 48.81251594581751, -124.66890335083008 | |
 | Gibson Pass Ski Area | 49.069929894543904, -120.9169864654541 | Manning Park Telmark Festival |
 | Lindeman Lake | 49.11500660701084, -121.45952224731445 | |
 | Greendrop Lake | 49.1380911562058, -121.4367127418518 | |
 | Pretty Peak | 49.250943680693055, -121.96751117706299 | |
 | Cheam Peak | 49.187313498266235, -121.68027877807617 | |
 | Dewdney Grind | 49.165542715508344, -122.19165802001953 | |
 | West Coast Trail | 48.718149160264794, -125.06423950195312 | All along the north section of the trail. |
 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Cathedral Ave, Winnipeg Manitoba | Tomb of Louis Riel |
 | Mt.Davis | 49.343602298744116, -121.08657851815223 | LeaveALeaf_#1rst with Two-Hobbits & a Pod. |
 | Robson Pass | 53.158711667342324, -119.12106513977051 | |
 | Laugavagur Trail, Iceland | 64.06259063688063, -20.7147216796875 | |
 | Lime Ridge, Marble Range | 51.12523628159424,-121.84957981109619 | Looking for plants on Lime Ridge with Botany BC |
 | Fundy Nat Park | 45.62674892376959, -65.05944460630417 | Leavealeafs on the trails of Fundy Pk |
 | Mount Stewart PEI | 46.36650188859303, -62.87047237157822 | Left a leaf on the Confederation Trail and at the Trailside Cafe for a JP Cormier concert. |
 | Maple leaves left in India by Canadian Pro skier Josh Bibby | Gulmarg, India | Josh Bibby leaving his leaf in India |
 | Confederation Bridge | 46.16339585324872, -63.8143926858902 | Looking towards PEI |
 | Leaves in the air... | 49.358395944730226, -119.90924835205078 | Downhill skiing at Apex Mountain |
 | Monument 90 Canada/US border line | 49.00049250972169, -120.40639042854309 | Skking along the border on the Border Lake Trail |
 | Osprey Lake, BC | 49.71511217828983, -120.20217132987454 | We left a leaf at Osprey, Link, Chain, Westmere and Eastmere Lake. Thank you for recycling and thanks to the Wong family for introducing us to "Leave a Leaf". Go Canada Go! |
 | Leave a Leaf Ottawa, Ontario | 45.419081972043415, -75.70623775944114 | We left a leaf at Winterlude Ottawa Ontario. Be Canadian Eat a Beavertail! |
 | London, Ontario | 42.97853017097541, -81.24993899837136 | Left a leaf at Meadowlily Bridge in memorial of Gene Tellier Feb. 6, 2016 |
 | Calgary, Alberta | 51.0282673558455, -114.049072265625 | Fish Creek Park, Calgary Alberta Feb. 2016 |
 | Yuma, Arizona | 35.3805931,-106.47919250000001 | Left a leafs in the desert, telegraph hill,and beyond.Getting out to nature is the best. |
 | Salmon Beach | 48.96385410905723, -125.42250365571817 | Salmon Beach |
 | Sackville NB | 45.95143314518617, -64.37904864549637 | Leaving a leaf in Atlantic Canada |
 | Leaving my leaf in the cold of Bethune Sk | 50.70167663576478, -105.1995849609375 | hang in out and working in camp but making sure I leave my leaf for my sister in law and family so they know me thinking of them all Two Words.. Right ON! |
 | Leaving "MY" leaf in BAYTREE Alberta | 55.822887575908766, -119.90478515625 | Hiking around the crisp white snow on a sunny day in our back country. |
 | Pasayten Fire Ski | 49.03083405139236, -120.51220893859863 | Love touring around the old burns looking at the new forest coming up and the views of Border & Sheep Mountain along the Canadian/US border |
 | Trekking Tulameen | 2446 Coalmont Road, Tulameen BC | Left my stamp of Canadian Pride along the pristine Tulameen River and Otter Lake in Tulameen, BC |
 | Top of the World Tod Mountain | 50.89870240470782, -119.84298706054688 | SunPeaks Top of the world |
 | Coquihalla Toll Booth | 49.63433587687992,-121.03606066724751 | Skiing from the old toll booths |
 | Awesome day at the Kimberley Alpine Resort | 49.68497342878801, -116.02189064025879 | Enjoyed a great "Free" ski day for locals at the Kimberley Alpine Resort, Kimberley, BC. Left a leaf all over the place!!!!!!!! |
 | Leaving a leaf on Lind Burn | 49.52487405771568, -120.63589096069336 | cross country skiing and falling(6 times) safety first Karen skiis off at times..so much fun.. alot of laughs |
 | Harmon Lake | 49.96436210797181, -120.70446968078613 | Snow shoeing |
 | Trophy Meadows Trail Head | 51.757892239803155, -119.94246997812297 | |
 | Trophy Meadows | 51.77584220700114, -119.92918424904928 | Back country tour in the sun |
 | Glacier powder afternoon on Blackcomb after 28cm of new snow | 50.09770431764537, -122.88400590419769 | Just plain old good stuff out there. |
 | Fresh track morning with 28cm new snow on Whistler. | 50.07022450118469, -122.9465389251709 | Epic morning clearing after 28cm of new snow. |
 | Crystal Bowel at Sun Peakis | 50.88671947733306, -119.89036560058594 | Had fun leaving leaf imprints all over Sun Peaks downhill runs |
 | Kenora Road | 50.673835249921346, -120.21240234375 | North Kamloops, BC |
 | Life is now 2 | 50.673835249921346, -120.3826904296875 | MacIsland Park |
 | Life is now | north kamloops bc | Let it snow |
 | Ridge Bypass China Ridge Trails | 49.51184981669895, -120.6246417760849 | Cross Country skiing and leaving my leaf. |
 | Sun Peaks | 50.88143082437058,-119.86377954483032 | Macgillivray Lake X-Country trail |
 | Batchelor Hills | 50.683842649833174, -120.35179138183594 | Tower Classic Trail |
 | China Ridge Trails | 49.48602581424096, -120.57838439941406 | Winter wonderland full of cross country and snowshoe trails. |